Open in a 17 days
ALDT and the Land Drainage Act 1991
Background The current arrangement is an advisory and where necessary enforcement role fulfilling obligations under sections 28, 29 and 30 of the Land drainage Act 1991. Local Authorities play no part in the enforcement process, this is the sole responsibility of the Environment Agency (EA) to carry out. This work requirement is an obligation that the EA agreed to take on back in March 2007, on behalf of the Secretary of State (the Minister) for Defra. Services required from the Contractor We require the delivery of (but are not limited to): - - Technical engineering reports on applications relating to land drainage matters covered by sections 28, and 30 of the Act. - Attendance as an expert witness to tribunal hearings. - Work in connection to fulfilling the statutory requirements. - Assistance to the EA enforcement staff in implementing decisions made at the tribunal which have not been resolved despite interventions. - Assistance to EA in delivering their responsibilities / obligations of ALDT and other relevant land drainage matters. Tribunal cases will require (but are not limited to): - - Report preparation, required surveys (ditch, drain dimensions, photographs) and soil info and follow up - Contacting, liaison and interviewing parties and records of each kept - Advise our staff on the Act where necessary. - Appearance at ALDT - Support of enforcement action
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors