Alterations to Thornliebank Primary School to form a Gaelic Annexe
The project brief is internal alterations and refurbishment of part of Thornliebank Primary School to provide facilities for the delivery of Gaelic Education. The works include toilet refurbishment, alterations to internal partitions and doors, flooring, decoration and sinks. The project includes a new STEM classroom, works within the playground and signage. The works will be completed during term time and school holidays. Some works need to be completed during the school holidays. The contractor will need to work with the CA and School to programme the works so classes can be moved and, if required, for a temporary fire evacuation plan to be put in place. Thornliebank Primary School has a Listed Building Category B. The existing boy’s toilets are to be refurbished first. Once these are complete, the girls can be refurbished. The new cleaners store must be completed before the existing cleaners store in the girl’s toilets is removed. The school can move two classes at any one time. Hours of working is 7am to 6pm. Access at weekends and on public holidays will need to be arranged with 3 working days’ notice.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45453100 - Refurbishment work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors