Alternative Education Provision for children who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education
Lot 1 - This will include the provision of full time onsite Alternative Education Provision to, permanently excluded and challenging young people, predominantly at Key Stage 4, and, those with Special Educational Needs (SEND). Staff will be fully experienced in delivering, education to this cohort with established links to partner agencies enabling them to provide, a holistic approach to education. Full time is defined as a minimum of 18 hours of supervised, education per week delivered across five days. Each day must be made up of two sessions, divided by a break and will include the provision of two nutritious meals a day to each full time pupil. Transportation will also be required for pupils who have been referred to receive, services., The indicative budget for Lot 1 is estimated to be around 480,000 GBP per annum; this is, only an estimate and the actual spend maybe higher or lower than this figure., Potential bidders for this Lot must be registered with the UK government Department for, Education (DfE) as a registered maintained or Independent School.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors