Aluminium Cladding C4 - KCSL
Kilnbridge have secured the HS2 Old Oak Common Station Works Package WP10.2 for construction of the Headhouses and Ancillary Buildings. Part of the scope requires the supply and manufacture of bespoke architectural & Standing seam Aluminium, including associated rainwater systems to numerous satellite buildings around the station complex. Those buildings include the following: • North Portal • East core • Cycle hub • Train crew and catering building • Number of smaller vent structures The package includes a range of panel profiles, folded sections, interfaces and will include a range of different specification and performance criteria such as: - Various panels with folded edges to form a 3-dimensional elevation. - Bull nose cladding - Soffit panels (with hinged details) - Radius rainscreen panels - Copings (including radius) - Skirtings (stainless steel & Aluminium) with various finishes - All the above in various lengths and shapes (circa 2m-9m and above) - Various material thickness - Anodising - Polyester powder coated - Welded stiffeners and joints - Secondary support system - Security specifications - Fire specifications (meet the requirements of the Fire engineer's documentation as minimum) - Acoustic & Thermal performance requirements - Any other standards or specifications required by the employer - Any ancillary items bracketry etc where required. This includes all openings including additional supports around the openings. Works include also mock ups, samples and quality benchmarks. The Sub subcontract works includes the provision of all necessary People, Equipment, Plant and Materials for manufacture, supply and testing of the various cladding and rainscreen cladding panels and ancillary items. The Subsubcontractor will be responsible for progressing the schedule and associated detailed drawings for manufacture and installation. This will require submission to, and acceptance from, the Subcontractor, the Contractor's representatives and the Employer to ensure the provided Sub subcontractors design satisfies the intent prior to construction. All in accordance with the Contractors design procedure and technical assistance requirements. Quantity - circa 800m2 + Expected Subsubcontract award Jan 25 Construction is to be carried out over a 2.5-year period commencing in Q1 2026 and completing in late Q2 2028. Multiple visits will be required over this period.
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1 Possible Competitors