An exploration of reuse, hoarding, and disposal of small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries in the UK
This project is required to better understand consumers perceptions and engagement with reusing EEE and batteries, what consumers do with broken EEE and working EEE that they no longer wish 1 Waste Hierarchy 2 Recycle More: Recyling Facts 3 Encouraging Battery Recycling to Reduce Waste Stream Fires 4 Recycle More: Recyling Facts 5 Encouraging Battery Recycling to Reduce Waste Stream Fires to use, the prevalence of hoarding and why this occurs, and how to facilitate the appropriate disposal of WEEE and batteries, in line with the Waste Hierarchy1 . The project will involve an online survey and focus groups with adult householders who own EEE and use batteries living in the UK. A report detailing the findings of the project will be completed by May 2023.
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1 Possible Competitors