Analysis of Digital Aerial Survey Data for Multiple Marine Protected Areas
To provide an analysis and reporting, for five digital aerial surveys (DAS) for inshore marine birds covering the Greater Wash and Solway Firth Special Protection Areas during autumn and winter 2022/23. Robust estimates of abundance, and associated metrics, should be produced from provided DAS data, using appropriate methods, and applying suitable adjustments. Estimates should be produced for bird and marine mammal species recorded for parts of the survey areas specified in the RFQ. Distribution maps should be produced using Kernel Density Estimation, or alternate methods where this is not possible, for key species specified in the RFQ. A single report should be provided detailing the approach and outcomes of the work. This should be supported by: i) a single Microsoft Excel workbook including all results, ii) relevant GIS outputs, and iii) any analytical code and any associated databases. We also request an additional, separate, quotation is provided to optionally include a further survey of Berwick to St Mary's Marine Conservation Zone (and some surrounding areas e.g. Lindisfarne Special Protection Area) within the analysis and reporting. The quote for this additional work will not be used to evaluate the commercial element of the tenders but may be commissioned if sufficient budget is available.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73112000 - Marine research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors