Analysis to Inform Support to Woman Provincial Councillors in Afghanistan.
Increased women's political participation at both the local and national level in Afghanistan will lead to a greater contribution by women to local and national decision-making. It is also expected to lead to a greater focus on women's interests by decision makers which, in turn, can have a significant impact o key development goals such as a reduction in infant and maternal mortality, increased girls' education and female literacy, increased economic opportunity for women and a reduction in violence against women and girls. The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK's work to end extreme poverty. DFID Afghanistan works to promote good governance, inclusive economic growth and delivery of services to the Afghan population, particularly to the most vulnerable. As part of its support to democratic processes and inclusive politics, the UK provided capacity building support to women provincial councillor candidates before the 2014 provincial council election. DFID now wishes to refresh its understanding of the needs of women provincial councillors, including deepening our analysis of the institutional environment in which incumbent provincial councillors work, and the political economy of each provincial council and its constituents. this scoping study will inform the design of a programme that will support institutional reform of provincial councils so that women's participation in politics can be sustainably increased (both as individuals and institutionally) and their development supported through the creation of an enabling environment that recognises and promotes their success.
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