Appliance Bay, Garage Doors - Planned & Reactive Maintenance
This tender is for the provision of Planned & Reactive maintenance services - Appliance Bay, garage Doors in accordance with the Specification of requirements, terms and conditions of contract. Cleveland Fire Brigade (CFB) as Procurement Lead for this project are prepared to receive tenders for the requirement as detailed within the Specification of requirements and in accordance with the terms and conditions of Contract. Tenders that do not comply with these conditions may not be considered. The contract will be split into LOTS with bidders being able to bid individually for selective LOTS or collectively for both. Any bidder that bids for both lots will be expected to provide evidence of resource and capability to deliver the contract requirements across both geographical areas. The contract LOTS are as follows: LOT 1 - CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY LOT 2 - DURHAM AND DARLINGTON FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE BOTH LOTS
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors