Application to join the flexible contracting arrangements for the provision of Care Homes with and without Nursing Services and Care and Support (Supported Living)
The Council wishes to establish a Flexible Contracting Arrangements for the provision of care homes with and without nursing services and care and support (supported living) under the "light touch'' arrangements set out in chapter 3 section 7 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) and the Public Procurement (Amendments, Repeals and Revocations) Regulations 2016.The procurement process and contract will be divided into 3 lots:•Lot 1 - Care Homes with and without Nursing Over 65yrs•Lot 2 - Care Homes with and without Nursing Under 65yrs•Lot 3 - Supported Living 18yrs and overCare Homes with and without Nursing ServicesCare Homes with and without Nursing Services is provided for those citizens who are over 18 and unable to live independently in their own home. Care is usually separated into two categories:Homes registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide personal care - these homes are able to provide personal care services similar to those provided by home support but are delivered in a permanent care home setting. These are referred to as Care Homes (without nursing) and the regulation and commissioning is of both the care and support and accommodation.Homes registered with the CQC to provide nursing care - these homes are able to provide personal care services but also have registered nurses to provide care for medical conditions or disabilities. Some nursing homes may also specialise in providing care for certain disabilities or conditions such as dementia. These are referred to as Care Homes (with nursing) and the regulation and commissioning is of both the care and support and accommodation.Supported LivingProvision of Care and Support (Supported Living) will be delivered in accordance with health and social care policy to all young people with disabilities and adults. This includes those with complex health needs, the presentation of behaviours that challenge services, mobility needs and physical disabilities; sensory impairment (including acquired brain injury); cognitive impairment; dementia, learning disabilities and/or autism; and mental health needs.The Flexible Contracting Arrangement will be for a period of 5 years, with the option to extend for up to two years. The duration of the call off contracts will be based on the individual requirements and will be managed in accordance with the terms of the Flexible Contracting Arrangement.The Flexible Contracting Arrangement is based on the principles of a dynamic purchasing system which is an electronic system established by the Council to purchase individual packages of care by inviting tenders from suppliers admitted to the FCA. Suppliers can apply to join at any time during the lifespan of the FCA as long as the suppliers meet the qualifying criteria. An initial opening and closing of the FCA must take place; the system will then remain open for its duration allowing potential suppliers to apply or re-apply.This contract also allows for the Local Authority to work with the Integrated Commissioning Board (NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB) in order to extend these arrangements to ICB funded patients on the basis that the ICB would introduce additional due diligence and competency arrangements which would need to be satisfied before Providers could receive referrals from the ICB.To apply to join this contract, please use the link below: https://www.carematchportal.comThe SQ for the FCA is being issued using the Council's e-tendering portalon CareMatch and the remainder of the procurement process will be managed using Care Match portal. All tenders must be submitted via the CareMatch Portal.Use of the e-tendering portal is free for Tenderers throughout the whole procurement process.If you have any issues / queries on how to use this web site please email: for receipt of initial Selection Questionnaire Stage is noon on 6th February 2023.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors