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Applying Good Work Principles to Film, Broadcast and High-End Television
The BFI is looking for a supplier to pick up where the BFI Skills Review 2022 left off. The research we are commissioning aims to fill targeted evidence gaps for the screen production sector (film, high-end and broadcast television), contributing to future solutions. Seeking to support the efforts of Good Work for people working across the sectors, it will help to better define the interventions and policy asks needed to aid positive change for the long term. The research we seek to undertake aims to: Provide the film, broadcast television and high-end television (HETV) sectors and UK Government with a better understanding of what the current working practices and cultures are in pre-production, production and post-production. Identify what drives current approaches to working practices in screen production. Present the risks (economic, social, political and moral) to the sector if the current situation does not change. Identify best practice approaches to transient working in the sectors in scope. Provide robust, evidence-based interventions and actionable recommendations for structural changes to working practices.
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CPV Codes
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors