Appointment of a film production company to create the documentary film Star Makers 2
In 2022 UKAEA arranged the production of a one-hour documentary film called Star makers. The film named Star Makers - The Energy of Tomorrow, is a behind the scenes documentary filmed at United Kingdom Energy Authority (UKAEA) that captures the journey of a passionate team working to provide e the world with safe, sustainable and low carbon energy in addition to realising a world fusion energy record. UKAEA are now keen to arrange for a Star Makers 2 documentary film to be produced. Full details are provided below. This RFP covers The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ("the Authority's") requirement for UKAEA are seeking a film production company with recent expertise in producing engaging documentaries that can relay technical and sometimes complex concepts in such a way that can easily understood and achieves audience buy in. The new film will have a dual narrative approach that follows the DTE3 campaign and the build up to the final pulse of JET at the end of the year that looks back at the key historic events associated with the machine from concept to its build to its first plasma. The film will need to capture key messages from the Star Makers 1 film to capture the journey and importance of the future work being done at UKAEA.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92111100 - Training-film and video-tape production
92111250 - Information film production
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors