AQP Framework for the Provision of Nursing & Non-Nursing Healthcare for Children At Home Services on behalf of Wandsworth CCG
NHS Wandsworth CCG is seeking providers to apply to join an AQP Framework for the Provision of Nursing & Non-Nursing Healthcare for Children At Home Services. The Provision of Nursing and Non-nursing Healthcare for Children at Home provides bespoke packages of care predominately in the home. The service uses a skill mix team comprising appropriately trained healthcare assistants and registered paediatric nurses working together to provide 24 hours' care, seven days a week over 365 days per year. Care providers will provide assurance that staff employed are suitably competent in meeting the identified health needs of the child and young person. Care delivery should focus on the delivery of a child centred service. Providers would work together with the child/young person and their families, involving them in every stage of the service delivery, taking into consideration their wishes and views and ensuring their care is based on outcome measures. The expected outcomes are: •The prevention of unnecessary hospitalisation •Enabling families greater choice, consistency and control over aspects of their child's health care with greater flexibility so that they can receive services that benefit and make sense to them •Continuity of care •Promotion of the needs of disabled children and young people •Prevention of harm to the affected child from the care environment •Greater choice over their lives and be supported to develop person-centred health plans •Access the healthcare they need and the support to live a normal life as possible •Enhance their dignity, self-respect and individuality and respect and regard to their wishes and preferences •Enable the children to acquire new skills whilst maintaining existing skills; and support them to achieve their full potential. All potential applicants who wish to provide any of these services are invited to apply and must demonstrate compliance with the required criteria. It should be noted that under the terms of the Framework Agreement there will be no guarantees of any volume of activity or levels of income through any contracts which may be awarded.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors