Aquaculture consultant
Elentec has been awarded ERDF funding by the Wales Assembly and EU to assess the application of electrocoagulation and associated technology in the farming of seafood in Wales and internationally. The Wales Assembly recognised the potential of land-based fish farming techniques or recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) technology to increase and diversify seafood production in Wales in a controlled manner that avoids the negative aspects of cage farming and has since lead development of the technology in the UK and internationally.A service provider or consultant is required for a 3 – year contract to assist Elentec in several areas of RAS technology development. Ideally, the successful applicant will have the following expertise and credentials.•Some 25 – 30 years’ experience working with commercial scale and research marine and freshwater RAS technology.•A good track record of securing EU Framework 6 & 7 research programmes specifically related to RAS technology development.•The successful applicant will be currently active in RAS technology research and should be involved in RAS technology development applicable to commercial finfish and crustacean production both within Europe and the tropics.•The successful applicant should have a detailed knowledge of key areas of RAS technology that require modification to improve water treatment efficiency in terms of delivering high water quality, reducing water treatment costs and the carbon footprint associated with RAS aquaculture.•The successful applicant will have detailed experience of working with aquaculture systems in SE Asia and S America which is a key market for EC and RAS technology.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
77800000 - Aquaculture services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors