
Aquaculture Services Supplier


AbstractElentec has been awarded ERDF funding by the Welsh Assembly Government and EU to assess the application of electrocoagulation and associated technology in the farming of seafood in Wales and internationally. The Welsh Assembly recognised the potential of land-based fish farming techniques or recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) technology to increase and diversify seafood production in Wales in a controlled manner that avoids the negative environmental aspects of cage farming.A research service provider is required for a 3 year contract to assist Elentec in several areas related to the assessment of water treatment technology development.General considerations:The successful applicant will assist with the development, testing and validation of water treatment apparatus for the project. The applicant must be able to offer flexible working carrying out testing/sampling as required on site and in their own laboratories to fit with the schedule of development of the apparatus throughout the duration of the project (three years). The applicant must be able to house and run laboratory scale versions of the water treatment technologies (electrocoagulation, AO, Ozone and UV) safely on their own premises and at their own risk. The applicant must produce periodic “highlight” reports and final summary reports with each phase of the testing. If Elentec requires, the applicant must be willing to present outputs from these experiments to collaborators and other interested parties in meetings and conferences, and take a lead role in developing high-quality dissemination materials, documents and scientific publications. The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate significant commitment to, and success in, public engagement and dissemination in the broad area of agritech/aquaculture/sustainable food and water technologies. There will only be one laboratory-scale apparatus constructed, therefore a single successful applicant must be able to provide all of the following tasks/tests. For these reasons, a significant research establishment or Research-led University is likely to be the preferred supplier.Specific tasks:To establish, with the assistance of Elentec, a laboratory scale testing system to establish the efficacy of the following: electrocoagulation, AO, Ozone and UV individually and in combination for the removal of pathogens, nitrogenous compounds, heavy metals and other contaminants. Further, to establish that any chemical changes that these treatments cause have no adverse effect on the normal function of aquatic organisms at all stages of development including live feed species. These tests will be carried out both at laboratory scale (to inform design and operation parameters of the apparatus) and, as validation, on samples from the final Apparatus.Nitrogenous compounds and heavy metals. Measurements of nitrogenous compounds and heavy metals in complex solutions. These measurements must be able to account for complex solution matrices containing organic compounds (e.g. Humic acid). Matrices with high organics may contain a high heavy metal load but there may be no available ions to interact with aquatic organisms/fish. Therefore, measurement of the metal/contaminant loading will include characterisation of the matrix buffering/binding capacity. Elentec expects that any novel sensor technologies and/or approaches developed for this task will be made available for use in the water treatment apparatus if required.Measurements to determine the efficacy of the system for sterilization/biosecurity. Microbiological analysis to determine the efficacy of the following: electrocoagulation, AO, Ozone and UV individually and in combination, on the presence of key pathogens in water. These tests to be conducted to determine the efficacy of the treatment technologies used in the development of the full scale apparatus, and in validation of the final apparatus.Measurements to determine the efficacy of the system to remove flavour-tainting compounds, drugs, antimicrobials, petrochemicals, hormones and pesticides from water. Conducting experiments to measure common pollutants associated with human activity and agriculture that will have damaging effects on aquatic organisms and impact water and food safety. These substances will include drugs, hormones, antimicrobials and petrochemical derivatives from human activity and agriculture; pesticides and herbicides from agriculture and flavour tainting compounds such as geosmin and other volatile organic compounds. These experiments to be conducted at laboratory scale apparatus delivering electrocoagulation, AO, Ozone and UV individually and in combination and on samples from the final Apparatus as part of the validation process. Elentec expects that any novel sensor technologies and/or approaches developed for this task will be made available for use in the water treatment apparatus if required.Measurements to determine the effect of treated water chemistry on the health and development of fish and other aquatic organisms. Conducting experiments to determine the impact of (potential changes in) water chemistry on exemplar aquatic organisms. This will include analysis of phenotypic/metabolic changes in aquatic organisms (including fish species) exposed to water that has been treated by the following: electrocoagulation, AO, Ozone and UV individually and in combination.Further research and further degree opportunities. Elentec expects the applicant will seek further research opportunities, including offering Masters/PhD projects and studentships, to conduct further research around the wider application of the Elentec technologies in agriculture, aquaculture, potable and waste-water treatment.Expertise and credentials: The successful applicant will have the following expertise and credentials.The successful applicant should have a detailed knowledge of key areas of water quality monitoring and treatment technologies preferably in the context of water treatment/waste management for agriculture/aquaculture. The successful applicant will have an excellent record of industrial collaboration, project leadership, dissemination and scientific publication.The evidence for the above to be provided by:•Significant involvement in industry related InnovateUK/RCUK/EU Framework/H2020 research programmes specifically related to water quality monitoring and control in the context of agriculture/aquaculture research and development.•An excellent record of publication of peer reviewed publications in the areas of water sensor technologies/water monitoring/water treatment technologies.•Evidence of successful proposal writing, project delivery.•Evidence of an active commitment to public engagement and the communication of science.•Evidence of proactive development of international cooperation in RAS technology programmes for the commercial production of finfish species.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

19th Sep 2018 in a 6 years

Deadline :

5th Oct 2018 in a 6 years

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors