ArcGIS Online Creator Term License - Op. Soteria Research
The aim of Op Soteria is to work collaboratively with police and stakeholder partners, to deliver high quality casework and effective prosecutions in an environment that considers, and seeks to minimise, the impact on victims of rape and serious sexual offences of engaging with the Criminal Justice System. This will include consideration of the effectiveness of multi-agency partnerships; frequency, content and value of Early Legal Advice; adequacy of processes for design and implementation of Action Plans; nature and appropriateness of factors informing decision-making on case progression; adequacy of practices and protocols for ensuring trial (and witness) preparation; opportunities for institutional learning, including training and feedback from scrutiny panels; nature and adequacy of complainants' experiences of engaging with the CPS; and the impact on and promotion of well-being for CPS RASSO staff. It will utilise qualitative methods primarily, but will be informed by quantitative data collection - and associated analysis of overarching patterns and trends (e.g. regarding proportion of Early Advice requests made and responded to by CPS, or timeliness and nature of CPS charging decisions) - which is already conducted on a routine basis as part of existing CPS reporting protocols.
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CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors