Archaeological Geophysical Survey of sites in Ardnamurchan
1.Purpose of the work Archaeology Scotland wishes to commission a geophysical survey of several sites in west Ardnamurchan as part of the Real Wild West: Adopt-a-Monument (AaM) programme in west Ardnamurchan. The survey will have three key aims: 1.Help contribute to archaeological investigations by highlighting geophysical anomalies that can be targeted with excavation. 2.Help enhance the understanding, management, and protection of the Historic Environment of Ardnamurchan. 3.Contribute to archaeological research and knowledge of the Historic Environment of Ardnamurchan. The work will form two work packages: 1.Gradiometer survey of c.5ha of Camas nan Geal plus Resistivity survey of two monuments within the bay. 2.Ground Penetrating Radar and resistivity survey of three scheduled chambered cairns, in different parts of Ardnamurchan, subject to MMDC permissions being secured from Historic Environment Scotland. 3.Method and Requirements It is envisaged that the methodology and outputs will include the following requirements: Work closely in partnership with Archaeology Scotland and local community groups Engage with key stakeholders, landowners, community groups & organisations Adhere to relevant conditions as laid outby HES in relation to work on scheduled monuments Produce an interim report highlighting potential anomalies of archaeological interest for investigation Produce a final report Adherence to programme equality and sustainability strategy Gradiometer survey of c.5ha of Camas nan Geal plus Resistivity survey of two monuments within the bay. Ground Penetrating Radar and resistivity survey of three scheduled chambered cairns, in different parts of Ardnamurchan, subject to MMDC permissions being secured from Historic Environment Scotland. Survey area The main area for the survey is Camas nan Geall (Appendix 1) covering approximately 5 ha. Within the bay there are two scheduled monuments; Cladh Chiarain, Chambered Cairn (SM6180) and Cladh Chiarain, Burial Ground And Standing Stone (SM7783). A desk-based assessment of the bay has been prepared by AS and can be passed on, on request. The aim of the survey will be to identify potential archaeological features that will form the focus of the archaeological investigation. Techniques used should be determined by underlying geology but should include but not be limited to Gradiometer Survey, and if appropriate Resistivity Survey especially over Cladh Chiarain, Chambered Cairn and around the burial ground. AS is happy to discuss the merits of different techniques and methodologies before submission of tenders in order to maximise the usefulness of the survey. Additionally AS would like to commission a Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar survey of two further neolithic monuments on the peninsula at Greadal Fhinn, Chambered Cairn (SM6173), covering an area of approximately 0.25ha and Cladh Aindreis, Chambered Cairn (SM7778), also covering an area of 0.25ha (Appendix 2), As well as the Chambered Cairn in Camas nan Gael Cladh Chiarain, Chambered Cairn (SM6180). 4.Operational Project Delivery In appointing any sub-contracts a tender must be issued to at least 3 contractors in line with Archaeology Scotland procurement policy (see attached Policy). Sub-contractors must follow Scottish Government and ERDF procurement rules for every procurement. Please get in touch with Archaeology Scotland for details. Archaeology Scotland will project manage awardees and contractors and provide relevant background information and personnel support. We can also draw on the wider skills of the partnership and community contacts in volunteering, archaeology and natural heritage to support this programme as required.
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CPV Codes
71351720 - Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors