Archaeological Works at MK East Primary School - AWARD
archaeological works required to be undertaken at the new MK East Primary School and Community Hub site. The site is located off the A509, London Road, Milton Keynes, MK16 (as per the attached red line plan). This land is due to be developed as a School site with a Community Health Hub located adjacent. The build project will need to be delivered by September 2024. We have been working with Nick Crank, MKC Senior Archaeological officer to determine the extent of works required. The attached RPS plan shows the proposed excavation area & trenches in green. The compressed geophysical survey is also attached for information. In view of the above information, we require a suitably qualified and experienced archaeologist (to be part of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Registered Organisations scheme) to undertake the necessary archaeological works and I would be grateful if you could provide an itemised quote to include the following: 1.Preparation of a written scheme of investigation (WSI) to be approved by Nick Crank (Senior Archaeological Officer, Conservation & Archaeology MKC) prior to site works commencing. 2. 2% trial trenching subsequent to the geophysical survey should be carried out in these areas, this should help rule out the presence of any significant buried archaeology. This equates to a total of around 300 linear meters of trenching (at 1.8m width) across the two areas indicated, focusing on the agricultural fields. The geophysical survey (attached) has revealed some anomalies (discussed in 5.1.21) which may be archaeological within the site, so some of the trenches should target these features. 3. Production of report including assessment of significance and suggested mitigation (if significant archaeology encountered). 4. Two bound copies of the report are required to be submitted to Nick Crank (Senior Archaeological Officer, Conservation & Archaeology, MKC) for final approval and for deposition in the Historic Environment Record. 5. Please provide an indication of works programme / timeline for completion of the trail trenching works once the WSI is approved.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112450 - Excavation work at archaeological sites
71351720 - Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites
71351811 - Topographical surveys of archaeological sites
71351914 - Archaeological services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors