Archaeological Works at Rockfield Farm, Undy, Monmouthshire
Monmouthshire County Council are seeking to appoint a contractor to undertake an archaeological excavation of a parcel of land at Rockfield Farm Development Site, Undy, Monmouthshire. These works are required to satisfy a condition placed upon the outline consent of the mix-use development site.A Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted and approved by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust, the planning authorities retained archaeological consultant, and all works will need to be undertaken in accordance with this document. The WSI proposes a methodology for archaeological excavation and strip map recording of a 3 hectare parcel of land in the southwestern part of the proposed development area.These works are required following the completion of an archaeological desk top survey and trial trenching that has previously been undertaken at the site. Details of the findings can be found within the WSI and details of the planning application can be found at Monmouthshire's Planning Portal – Planning Reference: DC/2016/00883.The excavation team must have the relevant knowledge, experience and qualifications to conduct fieldwork related to the investigation. The successful tenderer will be expected to liaise with GGAT regarding their requirements and ensure that all works are undertaken by a Registered Organisation with CIfA and managed by a member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA).
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73300000 - Design and execution of research and development
92500000 - Library, archives, museums and other cultural services
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
92520000 - Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors