Architect Services, Old Priory, Leominster.
Leominster Town Council wishes to procure an appropriately qualified and accredited conservation architect to support the delivery of a grant-funded capital works programme at The Old Priory, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8EQ. Scheduled Ancient Monument list entry number 1005529. Specifically, the successful bidder will be required to develop existing designs for the relocation of public toilets on the ground floor of the Old Priory Centre and the creation of two self-catering holiday let units from an existing caretaker's flat and offices on the second floor, producing technical design information required to support procurement and delivery of the works. A feasibility study has already been undertaken which identifies the scope and scale of the proposed renovation works and is included in this RFT as Annex 1. Contract administration and oversight of the renovation works is not required; however the brief includes visits to site during the construction phase. The deliverables are: -to work with the client to review existing RIBA stage 2 designs for works to relocate toilet facilities on the ground floor of the Old Priory Centre and create two self-catering holiday let units on the second floor (Annex 1), noting any required amendments. -to produce RIBA 4 Technical designs for the works, enabling Scheduled Ancient Monument consent conditions to be satisfied. -to ensure that the designs for the Works fully comply with all Statutory Requirements or Regulations including, but not confined to, requirements concerning Health and Safety, Planning, Fire, Building Control, etc -ensure that life cycle costings and environmental assessment techniques are applied to the designs and adopt solutions giving the best overall value for money and, where this may result in the cost limit for the project being exceeded, make recommendations to the client and obtain instructions. -to assist with any queries and amendments generated by the Scheduled Ancient Monument consent process. -To attend 5 meetings on site with the client and contractors during the construction phase: oInception meeting o3 interim progress meetings oCompletion meeting -To assist with design queries by telephone during the construction phase. Due to tight timescales necessitated by the requirements of the project funders, RIBA 4 Technical designs will be required within 2 months of the contract award date. All construction works must be completed and signed off by 21st March 2025. Tenderers are: - invited to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings before submitting their tenders - advised to obtain all necessary information which they feel is necessary to submit their tender. Further project details and tender evaluation criteria are available in the supplied RFT document. All tenderers are to complete sections 4-12 and return their submission by Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 12 noon to:
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors