ARCHITECT/DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION Clare Castle Country Park Trust is seeking the services of an architect to provide the detailed design for the built heritage of this exciting and unusual project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Trustees have a wide range of experience and are supported by a considerable number of regular volunteers (over 60), many of whom have expertise in particular fields that are relevant to this project. The small town of Clare in Suffolk is a thriving place, steeped in history. It is made all the more attractive by the historic Park that adjoins it. The Park has undergone many changes in recent years, which have resulted in neglect and a lack of identity and direction. With new ownership and leadership in place since 2015, this project will mark a new era that sees the Park and Town being more closely integrated. An extensive programme of conservation work is required to preserve and bring to life the Park's heritage assets. However, this project is essentially about people and the community and their connections with this historic site. 2.OUTCOME. The key points set out in the six bullet points under the heading 'Keeping in Touch (Heritage Lottery Fund letter of 4th October 2016) must be met in order that the second round bid can be submitted by 30th November 2016. 3.THE ROLE. The architect will be responsible, in liaison with other consultants, to the monitoring group (The Trust's HLF team and the Project for the following documents: the full HLF application document. the HLF 'Keeping in Touch' letter of 4th October. the Project Management structure. the timetable for the Development Phase. the plan of the existing Clare Park Centre Those wishing to be considered should submit their proposal which must include: a.a copy of the consultant's C/V b.outline drawings of possible ideas. c.a short statement setting out recent examples of similar work. d.confirmation that the dates set out in the timetable (6. below) can be met. fees and expenses. The sum included in the Development Phase application for the capital expenditure to be incurred in the Delivery Phase was cGBP500,000. Prior to submitting their application arrangements can be made for a site visit. 6.Appointment process and timetable Following receipt of the above, a short-list will be drawn up and meetings will be arranged to discuss the consultant's proposal and to clarify any details. Timetable. (All dates are for 2017) a.The details set out in (5) above should be submitted by 31st January. b.A short-list will be drawn up and those on the list will be contacted on 17th February. c.Meetings will be held with those short-listed between 20th and 24th February with the successful applicant being appointed by 28th February. d.Outline ideas available for the consultation process in May. e.Final drawings and cost estimates available0 by 30th September
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors