Architectural and Design Services for Forth Valley College, New Falkirk Campus.
Background to Procurement Process:Forth Valley College (the College)has received approval from the Scottish Government to progress their proposed New Falkirk Headquarter Campus (NFHC) from approved Outline Business Case (OBC) to post completion on site.The College will be appointing a Technical Advisory Team under a Scottish Futures Trust Framework Agreement which shall cover a number of disciplines.The College requires a separate procurement exercise for the appointment of an Architect to provide Architectural and Design Services for it's new Falkirk Campus. The College shall follow an OJEU restricted procurement process.On appointment of the Technical Advisory Team, it is anticipated that the Technical Advisor (Project Manager) will lead the evaluation of the OJEU restricted procurement process for the Architectural and Design Services. The successful supplier in the tender process for the Architectural and Design Services shall be appointed as a sub-consultant to the Technical Advisory Team.Background to Project:The College's Strategic Plan 2014–2018 outlines our mission statement as:‘Making Learning Work’This is supported by 6 strategic objectives as noted below:(a)Creating a superb environment for learning(b)Cultivating a vibrant learning organisation where learners develop skills, achieve qualifications valued by industry and progress seamlessly(c)Instilling an energy and passion for our people, celebrating success and innovation(d)Leading as a business that is a champion for governance, financial control and balanced risk taking(e)Enhancing our position as the business and community partner of choice(f)Delivering a whole system approach. Simply effective, efficient and consistent.The College are well progressed in delivering the ‘Creating a superb environment for learning’ strategic objective with, as noted above, the opening of two new state-of-the-art, award winning campuses in Alloa and Stirling, in 2011 and 2012 respectively, providing high quality and modern learning environments for our students.This objective will be fully met when the third and final phase at the Falkirk campus is delivered, matching or exceeding the quality of that already in place at Alloa and Stirling.The New Falkirk Headquarters Campus (NFHC) is to be located on the previous 10.87 acre Forth Valley College Middlefield Campus site, along with an additional section of land (4.8 acres) to the East. The site is located on Grangemouth Road, FK2 9AD. The NFHC will replace the current Forth Valley College Falkirk Campus previously occupying both sides of Middlefield Road and built in 1963.The project funding has been set at 58 300 000 GBP +VAT (total of 70 000 000 GBP inclusive of VAT) and will be delivered using the Scottish Futures Trusts NPD revenue funded model.A Project Programme has been developed as part of the Outline Business Case (OBC), for all stages until the completion of the works and is included in the redacted copy of the OBC. While the Project Programme is for OBC purposes only and now requires to be updated, it does meet the College's requirements for a commencement of works on Site in November 2016, completion of the construction phase in October 2018 and occupation by the College no later than December 2018.Service Requirements — Role of Architect:The role of the Architect shall have a broad range of responsibilities under the Technical Advisor Contract. The following provides a brief overview:-1. Following appointment of the Architect to the Framework Member, the preparation of Developed design; including:(a) 1:1250 Site layout with levels;(b) 1:500 Block Departmental Plans on agreed SoA;(c) 1:200 at A1 Floor Plans, Sections, Elevations with levels;(d) 3D computer generated visuals;(e) 1:50 at A3 room layout plans; and(f) full room data sheets.2. Review room data sheets (including room environmental data, room design character and schedule of components by room) prepared for the College and finalise into a reference design format3. Prepare Standard 1:50 Room layouts using ADB 3D for College sign off4. Assist the College with equipment interface responsibilities derived from room schedule of components5. Prepare reference design report identifying gaps in reference design, in particular room data sheet development6. Prepare architectural specification to current/future programme standards including:(a) Accessibility statement;(b) Fire strategy;(c) Community Stakeholder consultation report;(d) Town Planning Consultation report;(e) Building Control Consultation report;(f) Police Secure by Design Consultation report;(g) CDM hazard identification;(h) BREEAM statement;(i) Carbon Reduction Statement; and(j) Access and maintenance statement.Note: This is not an exhaustive list and further detail shall be provided at tender stage.Further Information:Further particulars on the project are provided in the Pre Qualification Questionnaire.
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CPV Codes
71200000 - Architectural and related services
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1 Possible Competitors