Architectural and Urban Planning - Landscape Architectural Services
The Transform Kingston Programme captures the redevelopment of a number of Council owned sites within Kingston's town centre. These sites include the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Kingfisher Leisure centre site for new leisure (wet and dry facilities) and community uses, including the potential to connect with the Listed Library and Museum buildings. Improvements to the surrounding public realm, including the existing green space to the east of the leisure centre (including the existing children's play area) and new public realm around the existing listed buildings. In Addition to the new leisure and community building the Transform Kingston Programme also includes the potential redevelopment of the adjacent Cattle Market Car Park Site as well as the Council's Guildhall Campus (Guildhall 1 and 2 buildings). These additional three sites have been identified as offering the opportunity to deliver mixed use development, including new homes (private and affordable) and flexible workspace. The council wish to procure Landscape Architect services for all the following projects and stages: Leisure Centre: RIBA Stage 2-6 Guildhall 1: RIBA Stage 1-6 Guildhall 2: 1-6 Cattle Market Car Park: RIBA Stage 1-6. Note the existing Listed Guildhall building is not part of this commission, only the surrounding sites, Guildhall 1 and Guildhall 2 and associated public realm, including potential enhancements to the Hogsmill River. The duration of the potential contract is from August 2021 to November 2025. This opportunity has been distributed on
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors