Architectural Design - TUOC
Suffolk County Council is looking to appoint an Architectural team with experience of collaborating on major infrastructure projects to work with designers WSP Parsons Brinkerhoff on the design of high quality structures for the Upper Orwell Crossings project. The Architectural team competition is being managed by RIBA. The project includes three crossings: • Construction of a new major bridge crossing the River Orwell for all users. The structure will incorporate a lifting/opening span to maintain boat access to the vibrant Ipswich Waterfront and Marina. • A crossing of the New-Cut for all users, which would connect the west bank to the Wet Dock Island site. • An improved crossing over the Prince Philip Lock, providing a link from the east bank to the Wet Dock Island site for pedestrians and cyclists. The estimated project cost circ.£100m of which an estimated construction costs of £50m and it received a funding commitment of £77.546m in the March Budget. The project has subsequently received Programme Entry to the Department for Transport, (DfT), Large Local Major Scheme Programme and has been afforded Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) status.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors