Architectural Services (including lead consultant) - ULHT Trust Wide Water Infrastructure Programme
United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust seeks to appoint an Architect to be part of an Engineering Lead Consultants Design team to provide high level costs of the proposed option. This will allow the costings to be submitted into the OBC to be presented to the Trust Board and also to full completion of the scheme to support the delivery of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Wide Water Infrastructure Programme. The Engineering Lead Design team will work closely with Architectural Services for designing sanitary accommodation modifications/ decommissioning of sanitary accommodation and turning rooms into fire compliant storage rooms. The Authority has estimated this project across all three Trust Sites, Lincoln Hospital £600K, Boston Pilgrim Hospital £500K and Grantham Hospital £200K and requires the Consultants Design Team to take the Trusts water risk assessment outputs and convert these into a quantified schedule and specification of works forming part of the works tender packages, provide professional input into the contractor evaluation and selection process and fully co-ordinate and contract administer the works on site to practical completion and through defects liability periods. There are known backlog and CIR water issues which also require further attention ex DHW Generation and Distribution at Grantham, DHW Generation and Distribution at Pilgrim, Lincoln County Mat wing DHW distribution, cold water supply to the mat wing will require assessment and further investigation for pipe condition/ insulation and condition. All CIR/ Backlog expenditure and physical remediation works are to be completed by 31 March 2021. All Water Risk Assessments and Schematics for each Trust site and block will be included.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors