Armthorpe Academy - Construction Project
Roof Repairs to the South Block -This aspect of the project is the undertaking of repairs to the existing pitched roof covering where required, and the replacement of flat roof coverings. Repairs will be limited to replacing damaged rosemary tiles with new, repair/replacement of ridge and hip tiles, repair/replacement of rainwater goods and drainage gullies. The replacement of flat roof coverings will include the installation of tapered insulation to improve thermal performance. The aim of the project is to eliminate ongoing damage due to water ingress and reduce operating costs of the building through better thermal performance (in conjunction with improved heating controls as part of separate urgent MEP improvement works). The wind and watertight building envelope will then permit internal improvement works to be developed without the risk of consequential damage. Fire Doors & Compartmentation Remedials in the South Block - This piece of work has been developed after a Fire Door & Compartmentation Survey that was completed in the building. The survey outlines all remedial work including the replacement of several fire doors and addressing outline remedial actions in relation to compartmentation. Development of a Carpark - This development will permit the completion of an adjoining land transaction which will remove most of the existing car park for a housing development. For clarity this transaction does not form part of the Scope of Works for this project. The project will install car parking for staff and visitors to the front of the school. The area of the school recently housed a derelict building which was demolished in April 2022. All information to submit the Tender is attached on the documentation uploaded. Please note the Return Date has now changed to 28/04/2022.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors