Arts-science collaborations
[Please note that the highest or lowest value stated for the contract is for all 4 artists/creative practitioners, and that the maximum amount available for each artist/creative practitioner is therefore £12,000 without VAT (with an expected minimum of £10,000)]. This requirement is for 4 individual artists/creative practitioners, each to work with a different team in Natural England's (NE) Chief Scientist's Directorate to address a brief the respective team has developed on an evidence/research-related topic relevant to their area of work: inspiring collective action on the climate and nature crisis; exploring geology for nature recovery and connection; interpreting DNA research; and translating and learning from scenarios of the future. We are looking for interested artists/creative practitioners who have the experience, skills and knowledge outlined in the evaluation criteria to apply as individuals, and will allocate the 4 successful artists as far as feasible to their preferred pilot using the process outlined in the specification. Each artist/creative practitioner will collaborate with their science team to develop and address the brief, co-creating an artwork/piece. We welcome submissions from any artistic practice (visual arts, music, creative writing, performing arts etc). Together these 4 arts-science collaboration pilots will produce evidence for a research project being led by the NE social science team to address the following research questions: 1. What 'added value' does arts-based research offer to science and evidence processes within NE and beyond? 2. What is needed for successful arts-science collaborations that would generate such 'added-value' within a context like NE? This will involve active participation in 3 workshops, a focus group and a webinar to capture and discuss learning.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors