ASC0255 - Leicester Specialist Substance Misuse Service
Leicester City Council invites Tenders from suitably qualified and experienced organisations for the provision of the Specialist Substance Misuse Service (SSMS) to be commissioned by Leicester City Council for itself and its partners the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the National Probation Service. Leicester City Council acts as the lead commissioner and host organisation under a formal partnership agreement with the above-named organisations. Operating from a range of locations and venues in Leicester City, the successful provider shall aim to reduce the substance related harms to individuals, families and communities whilst helping individuals to build recovery for themselves and recovery communities to develop and thrive. The provider is required to deliver a comprehensive range of interventions including but not limited to open access services, needle exchange, assessment and care coordination, pharmacy/primary and secondary care liaison and support, clinical and pharmacological interventions, peer mentoring and volunteer programme and assertive linkage to mutual aid. In addition, the provider shall work collaboratively with criminal justice agencies to develop a robust pathway across custody and post release. The provider shall develop and support access to wraparound services across the city, including but not limited to education, training and employment, leisure activities and suitable housing. This service provider will also hold a ringfenced £365,000 budget for residential rehabilitation placements and must ensure a robust monitoring system is in place that can track placements and spend as part of its reporting arrangements to Leicester City Council. The proposed Contract will be for an initial period of 4 years to commence on 1st April 2022, with options to extend, subject to satisfactory performance outcomes and agreement by the Authority, for a further 2 periods of up to a maximum of 24 months and thereafter one further period of up to no more than 12 months in total taking the contract term to a maximum of 7 years up to 31st March 2029. The nominal contract value is £4,794,726 per annum and £33,563,082 for the full 7 year contract period. In addition, for year one of the contract only, a one off pot of funding up to the maximum value of £190,000 shall be made available to offset the cost of any redundancies should they be required.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors