ASC0236 - Provision of intrauterine devices and systems (IUD/S) & provision of sub-dermal Implants (SDI) for contraception and the provision of IUS for non-contraceptive purposes
Leicester City Council (the Council) commissions the provision of intrauterine devices and systems (IUD/S) &provision of sub-dermal Implants(SDI) for contraception and the provision of IUS for non-contraceptive purposes (through a Section 75 agreement with Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group LCCCG) These services are for patients registered with GP practices in Leicester and who meet the criteria i.e. a resident within the local authority area). This is a replacement advertisement for the authorisation scheme described below as the link to the attachments mentioned below in the previous advert has recently become unavailable. The Council hereby advertises an authorisation scheme for appropriately registered organisations, for the provision of intrauterine devices and systems (IUD/S) &provision of sub-dermal Implants (SDI) for contraception and the provision of IUS for non contraceptive purposes for patients registered with GP practices in Leicester and who are resident within the local authority area. These services specifically include (1) the provision of intrauterine devices and systems (IUD/S) & provision of sub-dermal Implants (SDI) for contraception commissioned by Leicester City Council and IUS for non contraceptive purposes commissioned by Leicester City Council under a section 75 agreement. Organisations wishing to provide the services under the Authorisation Scheme should apply by downloading the forms and other key documents from East Midlands Tender: The Council reserves the right to terminate the Authorisation Scheme at any point should it deem this necessary.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors