ASCEND: Contract award for Trachoma Prevention and Control Programme in Ethiopia
Accelerating the Sustainable Control and Elimination of NTDs (ASCEND) is an investment from the UK Government's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to advance the impact and sustainability of national programme's tackling neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). ASCEND in South Asia, East and Southern Africa is implemented by a consortium of technical partners led by Crown Agents. Under the ASCEND programme, Crown Agents has awarded a subcontract to an Implementing Partner to support the delivery of the Trachoma Prevention and Control Programme Trachoma with the following objectives: • Strengthened health systems geared toward the sustainable delivery of Trachoma control and elimination activities; •Increased coverage of preventive chemotherapy for Trachoma; •Increased coverage of appropriate preventive measures, including hygiene promotion and behaviour change communications; and •Increased knowledge and evidence on the effective response to Trachoma.
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1 Possible Competitors