710264450A_SERPENS_Close Find Radar
This planned procurement notice is to provide advance information to the market of SERPENS’ intent to procure Close Find Radars and associated in-service support of radar hardware and software. It is envisaged that this notice will assist prospective suppliers to plan bid pipelines and determine if they wish to prepare for and express interest in bidding for the planned procurement activity. Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), as the procurement arm of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), is engaged in procurement activity for Project SERPENS, a digitally integrated weapon locating system, to be employed as counterbattery assets comprising artillery weapon locating sensors and radars which will be installed onto in-service land vehicles and integrated with communications bearer networks. The planned out-of-service date (OSD) for the SERPENS system is 2057. SERPENS plans to procure a quantity of twenty-five (25) Close Find Radars using a competitive flexible procedure (s.20) under a staged delivery schedule to complete during calendar year 2027. Please note, quantity/ies are subject to change. Focus is on high technological readiness with priority on key requirements following which development will focus on the mounting of radar assets onto vehicles, integration with in-service comms bearer/s and, in future, integration into SERPENS as a networked array of sensors. The planned core term for this contracting opportunity will be six (6) years, estimating equipment deliveries within no more than two (2) years followed by four (4) years of in-service support. Options are planned to be implemented to extend the in-service support beyond the core six-year term as a de-risking measure based on the complexity of system integration requirements for the SERPENS system. Should any company be interested in expressing interest for this contracting opportunity, and you have not previously engaged with the SERPENS team, please contact the associated buyer who will be able to provide registration details for the SERPENS AWARD portal.
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CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors