Assessing the impact of non-tariff measures on specific UK exports of agri-goods, fish and seafood.
Aims This project aims to provide, where possible, granular quantitative estimates of the costs of compliance with EU NTMs for GB and NI exporters via a comprehensive review of trade processes in the agri-goods, fish and seafood sectors. It will include quantitative estimates where possible of the cost of compliance with internal NTMs for GB businesses transporting agri- goods, fish and seafood to NI post Brexit. The specific aims of this research are to - •provide updated NTM cost estimates for GB and NI exports of agri-goods, fish and seafood goods to the EU. •provide NTM cost estimates for GB businesses transporting agri-goods, fish and seafood products to NI, if possible with cost estimates separated out by Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP)/Windsor Framework (WF). •understand the scale of the costs associated with NTMs. •establish whether any firms ceased trading or reduced exports as result of TCA and/or NIP/WF NTM requirements. •determine what aspect of NTM trade related measures are the most prohibitive to exporting to the EU. •note suggested solutions to reduce the costs associated with EU NTMs, including incorporating specific trade facilitation and other measures. •identify which NTMs represent the greatest burden to businesses and how firms and the supply chain have responded to these costs.
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