Assessment of the Vulnerabilities of/Impacts upon Geotechnical Assets and Ground Related Hazards due to Climate Change/Projections
National Highways "the Client" is seeking to set up a contract for the provision of technical service to undertake a research project entitled "Assessment of the Vulnerabilities of/Impacts upon Geotechnical Assets and Ground Related Hazards due to Climate Change/Projections". This project will review existing National Highways ground-related hazard information (including those produced through 1-532 Geotechnical Resilience: Enhanced Hazard Products) to understand where climate projections can be integrated and where new information is required. It will review third party hazard information products that are available (e.g. BGS GeoClimate UKCP18 projections). A set of climate metrics will be developed based on UKCP18 projections and used to assess the future susceptibility of ground-related hazards across the SRN. The project will bring together multiple sources of information and the findings of preceding tasks (within the Geotechnical Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation programmes) to assess the vulnerability of geotechnical assets on the SRN to climate change. This will be informed by the latest academic research in this area (e.g. ACHILLES) and through engagement with other asset owners (e.g. Network Rail, Environment Agency). The project will build upon the approach set out in the National Highways geotechnical Resilience Assessment Framework (1-086 Geotechnical Resilience Enhancement Measures) to inform the vulnerability assessment. The project will be informed by stress testing against LA114 'Climate' requirements in addition to UKCP18 projections. This project will help inform decisions to enable the network to be more sustainable and resilient to climate change. It aligns with the National Highways preparations for climate change under the Climate Change Act.
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CPV Codes
73220000 - Development consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors