Asset & Property Income Generation Strategy for Port Sunlight
Port Sunlight Village Trust (PSVT) wishes to commission the production of an Asset & Property Income Generation Strategy for the village as part of a project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund entitled 'A brighter future for Port Sunlight'. The strategy will provide PSVT with an investment plan for how to make best use of Port Sunlight's assets, both public buildings and green space, in order to realise a new vision to make 'Port Sunlight, an inspiring place to live, work and visit'. It will take account of: Port Sunlight's status as a Conservation Area and PSVT's heritage aims as articulated in our 10-year Conservation Management Plan 2018-2028; the infrastructure required to support the strategy's successful implementation, e.g. visitor and resident car parking; and the need to mitigate the impact on the community. The brief: The scope of work comprises the following four areas: 1.Information audit: Desk-based research including relevant information held by PSVT relating to stakeholder consultation, audience research, heritage condition assessments, access appraisals, and current usage of assets, as well as intelligence held by the local authorities and local enterprise partnerships; 2.Consultation: A combination of face-to-face and telephone interviews with key stakeholders to understand PSVT's operating environment, local growth plans, and future opportunities and challenges for Port Sunlight and PSVT; 3.Benchmarking: Identification of up to ...ts and access needs; building condition and adaptability; planning policy; existing supply, competitor provision and market demand for potential uses/occupiers (including soft market testing to understand appetite/barriers for businesses/social /community enterprises to locate in Port Sunlight) and value added benefit to the visitor economy and the social, community and commercial life of the village; D.Provide indicative investment appraisals for each building and site (outline architectural/conservation, planning and cost consultancy advice will be provided by others); E.Provide recommendations regarding the optimum use of each building, priorities for disposal, PSVT investment requirements (including potential funding sources), partnering or rental, and a plan and timetable for implementing these. The Asset & Property Income Generation Strategy should take account of the following assets within Port Sunlight: - All PSVT-owned assets, excluding residential properties, and including, -20 buildings currently used for storage, social and community purposes, retail, cultural and leisure activity, and office space. -323 garages, or the sites of, spread across Port Sunlight in blocks. -Eight sections of landscape with development potential, all of which are designated as Urban Greenspace under the Wirral Unitary Development Plan. - Four buildings not in PSVT's ownership. - Up to four opportunities for the reinstatement of lost buildings and heritage features
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CPV Codes
79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services.
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1 Possible Competitors