Asset Performance Services
Currently Newport City Homes (NCH) does not systematically assess the contribution its properties make to its strategic objectives meaning it is not in a strong position to make effective decisions on the best use of its housing stock.If there is better understanding of the housing stock’s financial performance combined with sustainability measures then NCH can be more effective in determining what type of investment or disinvestment is required, contributing to NCH becoming a strong and effective organisation.As a result, NCH is now looking to work with a consultant to deliver a holistic review of the contribution its assets make to the organisation and the communities in which they are located. Ideally, the successful consultant will have experience of delivering strategic asset performance reviews of this type for RSLs in Wales and have a thorough understanding of Welsh Housing Legislation and the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79313000 - Performance review services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors