Audit of the Electoral Commission's Statutory Welsh Language Standards / Archwiliad o Safonau Iaith Gymraeg Statudol y Comisiwn Etholiadol
Expression of interest. The Electoral Commission requires additional specialised resource to carry out a review of how the organisation at a UK-wide and Wales level complies with the statutory Welsh language standards. This will ensure we meet our statutory responsibility in relation to the legislation and the duties set by the Welsh Language Commissioner in the Compliance Notice ( ) and continue to develop good practice in the bilingual services we provide both internally and externally. This service provider will be appropriately skilled to undertake this work across all areas of work at the Commission and will be able to provide specialised advice both in terms of the Welsh language and wider public sector equality duties. The main objectives are to: o Undertake a comprehensive review of all of the Commission's processes and audit compliance with the Welsh language standards; o Make the standards more explicit in our policy and guidance documents as well as our internal team practice procedures thus providing a strong safeguard on compliance with the standards; o Consider how the services provided and our responsibilities fit in with our wider work and commitments to wider public sector equality duties, in particular the work around delivering effective Equality Impact Assessments o Develop and manage an action plan including a series of recommendations and work with and advise all teams across the Commission to ensure that all recommendations are able to be effectively implemented. The work will need to be conducted in this (2020-21) financial year and we expect it should involve no more than two persons to complete in less than three months. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mynegi diddordeb. Mae'r Comisiwn Etholiadol yn gofyn am adnoddau arbenigol ychwanegol i gynnal adolygiad o sut mae'r sefydliad ar lefel y DU a Chymru yn cydymffurfio ?'r safonau Cymraeg statudol. Bydd y gwaith hwn yn sicrhau ein bod bodloni ein cyfrifoldeb statudol mewn perthynas ?'r ddeddfwriaeth a'r dyletswyddau a bennir gan Gomisiynydd Iaith Gymraeg yn yr Hysbysiad Cydymffurfiaeth ( ) ac yn parhau i ddatblygu arfer da yn y gwasanaethau dwyieithog a ddarparwn yn fewnol ac yn allanol. Bydd y darparwr gwasanaeth hwn ?'r sgiliau priodol i gyflawni'r gwaith ar draws pob maes gwaith yn y Comisiwn a bydd yn gallu darparu cyngor arbenigol o ran yr iaith Gymraeg a dyletswyddau cydraddoldeb ehangach y sector cyhoeddus. Y prif amcanion yw: o Cynnal adolygiad cynhwysfawr o holl brosesau'r Comisiwn ac archwilio cydymffurfiad ? safonau'r Gymraeg; o Gwneud y safonau'n fwy eglur yn ein dogfennau polisi ac ein c...
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