Aurs Road Upgrade and Realignment and Balgray Reservoir Promenade and Permanent Lowering Works
The works now awarded consist of 2 sections of new road being created to provide a better alignment for the overall road; new bridge designs including creation of new bridge to replace an existing weak road bridge, creation of new foot bridge. Partial alteration of the existing walkway bridge to Scottish Water’s drawdown tower; narrowing of road to one lane and associated traffic signal control as the road passes beneath the railway bridge; accommodation works within a neighbouring farm land to make good and reinstate the owners current procedures following disruption caused by one of the new road sections; installation of new round-a-bout; install culvert between Balgray Reservoir and Brock Burn by undertaking deep cut through Dam structure; resurfacing of the full stretch of road covering between the two junction points noted above; and the installation of a Promenade along Balgray Reservoir An overflow weir that spills into Brock Burn will also be removed / infilled and this will allow the whindust path above the weir to be resurfaced with tarmac from the end of the promenade to the bridge over the next flow control structure on the reservoir. East Renfrewshire Council have partnered with Scottish Water to deliver this project and while East Renfrewshire Council will be the Employer under the NEC Contract, the Culvert and Weir infill will be delivered by the successful Contractor on behalf of Scottish Water. The culvert and weir infill works are required to address an “interest of safety” matter by improving the capacity of the reservoir drawdown.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45221110 - Bridge construction work
45233120 - Road construction works
44132000 - Culvert elements
45221100 - Construction work for bridges
45221111 - Road bridge construction work
45233100 - Construction work for highways, roads
44212100 - Bridge
44212120 - Structures of bridges
45221220 - Culverts
44611600 - Reservoirs
45112700 - Landscaping work
45221115 - Construction work for steel bridges
45112730 - Landscaping work for roads and motorways
45221113 - Footbridge construction work
45233140 - Roadworks
45221000 - Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways
45246500 - Promenade construction work
45247270 - Reservoir construction works
45221119 - Bridge renewal construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors