Automated Multipurpose Wire Bonder
The Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult is looking to create a modular, flexible, accelerated prototype package assembly and test facility for RF, Photonics, and Power compound semiconductor devices, modules and systems. This would allow experimentation, feasibility, proof of concept and small prototype volume build.As part of the package assembly research and development methodology we require a machine to perform wire bonding from chips and modules on to substrates and PCB boards.The wire bonding equipment shall allow manual and automated bonding for experimentation and low volume prototype volume build. It shall be adaptable to wire bond a wide variety of components from chip level through to module level using organic- inorganics substrates and PCBs for all required package architecture required for Photonics, Power, and RF, e.g. standard industry package units; multi-chip modules and system-in-package solutions.
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1 Possible Competitors