AWARD Cartrefi Conwy/SMARTCymru Decarbonisation Feasibility Project
The project is to assess and develop existing methods of External Wall Insulation Systems (EWIS) and Cavity Wall Insulation for commercial supply to the North Wales market.The aim is to evaluate the use of natural fibres (zero carbon in developing the product) to produce a zero-carbon home (zero carbon during use) using resources available in North Wales to minimise waste and the carbon footprint.Two key areas have been determined to be investigated. Firstly, an evaluation of materials and methods in effectively installing natural materials as External Wall Insulation into existing housing stock, in order to improve energy efficiency and as a fabric first approach to reaching zero carbon targets. The research will cover a literature review of existing research and a test of methods and materials. The tests will analyse energy efficiency and take measurements of indoor temperature, humidity, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), outside temperature and potentially nitrogen monoxide.The second area is to look at using a natural fibre for the Internal Wall Cavity for new build zero carbon homes.The project will cover a range of natural fibres, but the main focus will be Wool, reflecting the impact of rising Timber prices and falling Wool prices.
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1 Possible Competitors