Award of Contract Strengthening prevention plans on State Protection Units for HRDs and Journalists in the Federal Protection Mechanism
The British Embassy in Mexico seeks to appoint one (1) Service Supplier for the implementation of the project "Strengthening prevention plans on State Protection Units for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico". The Service Supplier is expected to support the Mechanism to Protect Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in assisting State Protection Units (SPUs) and State Human Rights Committees in the development of assessment on violence against Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and journalists. The Service Supplier willgenerate targeted and regional proposals based on the State Protection Units Diagnostics from last year and strengthen the products of the comprehensive prevention policy. The project is a continuation of last fiscal year's project under the same name. The Service Supplier will be tasked with the creation of prevention plans, adding a section that addresses the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the elaboration of online workshops for journalists and HRDs on preventive measures during the pandemic, a final report with lessons learned and recommendations.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors