Award of CR/2022/21 - Assessment of Positive Outcomes for Nature from Independent Accreditation S...
Introduction1. The Agriculture Policy Division within the Scottish Government wishes to commission a project to evaluate existing independent accreditation schemes operating within the UK which aim to raise standards for nature, in order to develop the evidence base around this topic to inform future policy development.Background & Context2. The Agricultural Reform Programme is to deliver the Vision for Agriculture which sets out Scotland’s commitment to a support framework that delivers high quality food production, climate mitigation and adaptation, and nature restoration.3. The Scottish Government seeks to develop and support policy, regulatory and support mechanisms which deliver emissions reductions in line with our climate targets, and design those mechanisms to support outcomes that restore nature, benefit our natural capital and promote the natural economy.4. There are a range of independent accreditation schemes in the UK currently, which aim to raise standards for nature through objective systems. These typically require more rigorous data collection and monitoring than government schemes, and have detailed management plans associated with them. It would be helpful to understand to what extent these schemes are delivering positive outcomes for nature and, specifically around indicators of habitat condition e.g., water quality, air quality, species richness and/or abundance in relation to outcomes for nature.5. This should include at a minimum: Soil Association and/or SOPA Organic certification, Wildlife Estates Scotland, and LEAF Marque. Proposals from the contractor on additional relevant schemes and requirements of farmers to raise standards for biodiversity and nature would be welcomed for discussion at the inception meeting.
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1 Possible Competitors