Award of CR/2020/17 - Review of High Performing Recycling Systems
Introduction1. In our Programme for Government 2021, we have committed to setting out a route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025. Zero Waste Scotland are tasked with developing this route map on behalf of and with oversight from the Zero Waste and Circular Economy Units in Scottish Government. This work will inform the development of the route map and will be overseen by project leads from Zero Waste Scotland and Scottish Government (ZWS/SG project leads).Background & Context2. The Scottish Government have set challenging waste targets for 2025, including:- to reduce all waste generated in Scotland by 15% in 2025, based on 2011 baseline; and- for 70% of all Scotland’s waste to be recycled, composted or prepared for reuse by 20253. Analysis in 2019 for the Scottish Government Recycling Summit, using 2018 data, suggested a significant ramp up in progress is required if Scotland is to meet those targets.4. Waste prevention and recycling performance (whether measured at nation, region or municipal level) will be the product of a complex set of inter-dependent policies and practices implemented in that geographical boundary. In 2019, Zero Waste Scotland carried out qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of the policies and practices associated with high household recycling rates in ten cases. The project was delivered by Zero Waste Scotland, working closely with a contractor who was commissioned for the evidence gathering stage. Zero Waste Scotland then analysed the evidence gathered on each case and produced a summary report. The findings suggested that high household recycling performance occurs when a range of complimentary policies and practices are in place, which typically require significant commitment from householders, waste collectors, processors and local and national government. The findings highlight both the opportunity and challenge in achieving recycling rates of 65% and above.
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1 Possible Competitors