Award of Framework Agreement for Cynnydd Project - Young people at risk of becoming NEET
Award Notice for Swansea Councils Framework for Project CynnyddThe requirement under Specific Objective 2 is to reduce the number of those at risk of becoming NEET, amongst 11-24 year olds. Under Priority 3 of the West Wales and the Valleys ESF Operational Programme, the Cynnydd project is targeted at those young people who are identified as being at the very greatest risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and to reduce this risk. Targeted, specific activities and interventions are required to be delivered to these identified learners / young people. The framework provisions have been developed in partnership with all Schools involved in the project, and in line with the Regional Employment and Skills Plan (RLSP), which links to other key local initiatives of Council, such as the Swansea Bay Economic Plan.Lots for Framework:-Lot 1A - Arts, Crafts and PhotographyLot 1B - Catering and HospitalityLot 1C - Computing and Digital TechnologyLot 1D - Engineering, Construction and Motor VehicleLot 1E - Hairdressing, Beauty and HolisticsLot 1F - Health and ChildcareLot 1G - Music, Media and PerformanceLot 1H - Sports, Fitness and Outdoor PursuitsLot 1I - Travel and TourismLot 1J - Land Based StudiesLot 1K - Animal CareLot 1L - Vocational StudiesLot 2 - Military ProvisionLot 3 - Building resilience programmeLot 4 - Enterprise programmeLot 5 - One off projects/ workshopsLot 6 - Innovation
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80212000 - Vocational secondary education services
80000000 - Education and training services
80300000 - Higher education services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors