Award of Lift Modernisation Kingsburn Court
DESCRIPTION OF WORKThe existing installation consists of one independent 13 person, 1,000 kg hydraulic passengerlift, serving two floors with a single entrance having a power operated, side opening car andlanding door arrangement.The proposed works comprise the modernisation of the lift engineering installation includingimprovements the replacement of the lift control panel and control system cables together withrailing flexes, landing call stations and car operating panel.Inclusion shall be made for the replacement of all control wiring and the Contractor shall liaisewith the manufacturers to establish the precise requirements for same, to ensure compatibilitybetween new and any retained components and to satisfy themselves of the suitability andcompatibility of specified components in meeting this Specification and the design intent. TheContractor shall make all allowances to interface new and any retained electrical equipmentwith new galvanised trunking and conduits.Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary attendant trades’ works and the Contractor shallbe responsible for the appropriate co-ordination and site management of any sub-contractorsengaged in this respect.The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Engineer for comment and agreement prior tocommencing site activities. Activities considered noisy or of nuisance, e.g. drilling, hammeringand large deliveries, shall only be undertaken during periods agreed with the Purchaser.It is a fundamental requirement that the existing lift shall not be taken out of service until all keyelements of plant are in the Contractor’s possession, for the avoidance of doubt as a minimumhe control panel, landing call stations and car operating panel are included in this requirement.Prior to submitting their offer, firms Tendering shall undertake all necessary site inspections &evaluation of prevailing site conditions and/or restrictions to ensure that their Tender takes fullaccount of same and to verify the feasibility of the proposed works as Specified. In undertakingsuch inspection firms tendering shall provide their own labour and equipment. For inspection ofhe landing entrances and well this inspection shall be undertaken at a time to be agreed withhe Purchaser. The safety of building users shall be protected at all times.It is essential that a site presence is evident throughout the working week and accordingly it isa requirement that, as a minimum, 8 hours per day are worked each Monday to Thursday and6 hours on Fridays.Inclusion shall also be made for undertaking all the relevant examinations and tests containedin Appendix E of B.S. 5655 Part 2 as appropriate to this project.A complete survey of the existing installation shall be carried out by the Contractor upon theirappointment to verify the viability of installing the proposed equipment and to agree the finalsizing of such items. The Contractor shall provide all necessary details to suppliers to satisfyhemselves of the suitability and compatibility of specified components in meeting thisSpecification and the design intent.Inclusion shall be made for all necessary components and labour, specified or otherwise, toprovide a complete and working installation meeting this Specification and the design intent.The Contractor shall establish the capacity of the existing sub main cable and earthingarrangement, switch gear and distribution arrangement serving the lift plant room and, takingaccount of the new lift equipment being installed, shall confirm to the Engineer that thisproposed arrangement can be accommodated.At all times working areas shall be kept clean, tidy and free from debris during the works andany redundant materials or packaging shall be removed on a daily basis.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45313100 - Lift installation work
42416100 - Lifts
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors