Award of Stakeholder Network Analysis for PrePARED Project (MS-P-0246)
Marine Scotland invites bids for the preparation of a stakeholder network analysis for the PrePARED Project.PrePARED is a collaborative research project, funded by The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland. It will concurrently study predator (seabird and marine mammal) and prey (fish) distribution and behaviour in and around offshore wind farms, providing critical insight into cumulative effects from large scale development for key species. Bringing together expertise from government, academia, nature conservation agencies and industry, PrePARED will address critical knowledge gaps that currently are barriers to sustainable offshore wind development, required to help meet the government’s renewable energy targets and subsequently reach net zero emissions. More details can be found at aims to improve the science that support the consenting process for offshore wind development. It is focussed on the Moray Firth and the Forth and Tay regions, but its results will be applicable to all Scottish, UK and even international offshore wind consenting. Thus stakeholders will be local, national, and international.Stakeholders impacted by offshore wind include: licensing agencies/ officials; offshore wind industry; other marine industries (e.g., fishing and shipping); energy industries; energy consumers; government agencies / officials; Academics; Local residents / communities; leisure boat users.
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CPV Codes
79315000 - Social research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors