Awarded Contract - ROSlite amendments to add SAF functionality
As part of the government's target of net zero GHG emissions by 2050, the SAF mandate is being introduced from 2025 to impose an obligation on suppliers of aviation fuel to ensure that a certain percentage of the fuel they supply (increasing over time) comes from sustainable sources. DfT already mandates low carbon fuels in road transport through the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), which is administered via the ROSlite IT system that was introduced in 2023, and replaced a legacy system that had been operating for 15 years. This contract is to make the necessary amendments to the ROSlite system to incorporate functionality to implement the upcoming SAF mandate from 2025. The proposal is to use the existing platform and align as much as possible to the RTFO, adding new functionality and processes where necessary to support SAF. STA agreed with the supplier who built the ROSlite system, and also provides maintenance/support. Unknown VAT. But likely recoverable as was the case for the original development in contract TIT0203.
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