Badbury Heights Phase 2 Play Area
Blandford Forum is a unique Georgian Market Town, as the centre was re-built after a series of disastrous fires which completely destroyed the town in 1731. Over the centuries since then, the town has continued to expand, in particular to the north. One of the latest development to the north of the town is the phased development of Badbury Heights. The play area agreed for Phase 2 is known as a LEAP, which is a Local Equipped Area of Play for accompanied children of early school age, up to 8 years. These should offer at least 5 types of play equipment. LEAPs should be located 400 metres or 5 minutes walking time along pedestrian routes (240 metres in a straight line), from nearby dwellings. Seating should be provided for accompanying adults, bins, a notice board and the area fenced. Buffer distance to boundary of nearest dwelling - 10m. Planning permission, subject to these conditions, have already been obtained as part of the original permission for the development.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
43325000 - Park and playground equipment
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors