Badsey Parish Council are looing for design, equipment and installation of play equipment to enhance its existing play provision. Funding has been secured and requested as a result of local housing development up to a budget of £71k
Badsey Parish is located in Worcestershire. The parish council has been awarded s106 funds as a result of local house building of £71k for the provision of play equipment. The village already has two sites at Badsey Remembrance Hall and Badsey Recreation Ground and this would be the third at Badsey Community Club providing play for local residents as well as visiting sports teams. Equipment should include such items as: A single spinner or aerial spinning item Swing, baby swing and nest swing for multiple users Multi Seesaw Multi play item with various play features for sliding, climbing, rope play, balance and have multi access points Possibly a ground flush roundabout All materials should as far as possible be natural materials There should be landscaping including gravel paths, boulders and mounded areas. Other areas should have grass matting where appropriate. The parish clerk and members of Badsey Parish Council are willing to meet on site to look at designs and ideas. PLEASE NOTE that Badsey PC will not necessarily chose the project with the lowest cost but will keeping design, equipment and feel as the key considerations.
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CPV Codes
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors