Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group - Community Cardiology Services
Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) are seeking to commission a provider to deliver an integrated Community Cardiology and Heart Failure Service across Wiltshire. The service will include: 1.Community cardiology diagnostics 2.Community cardiology assessment and advice service 3.Community heart failure service 4.Heart failure lifestyle optimisation, self-management and rehab The objectives are: 1.Provision of a community cardiology diagnostic service, to reduce the need for patients to travel for simple diagnostics 2.Provision of a community cardiology assessment and advice service focused on supporting Primary Care led cardiology care 3.Establishment of Heart Failure Specialist Nurse led diagnostic service for patients with NT-proBNP > 400 with suspected heart failure or with pre-existing echocardiographically proven diagnosis 4.Introduction and titration to target of evidence-based treatments to slow disease progression and decrease the incidence of sudden death 5.Reduction in unnecessary outpatient follow-up at acute trusts and reduction in re-admissions for decompensated heart failure 6.Early identification of patients following admission to hospital for heart failure requiring management with prioritization of those at high risk of further events or re-admissions 7.Advancing quality end of life care for heart failure patients, including appropriate liaison with Palliative Care Services. Whilst elements of these services are currently delivered by different providers across Wiltshire the incoming provider must build upon the current provision and deliver a fully integrated Community Cardiology and Heart Failure Services to all eligible patients registered with a GP in Wiltshire. During Mobilisation the incoming provider will need to ensure that currently delivered services are seamlessly transitioned and are delivered from day one. The provider will be afforded a transition period to bring all services online within the first 6 months of contract. The commissioner is making a budget of £50,000 available for mobilisation and £765,000 per annum for service delivery. The total contract value for the 3 year Contract is £2,345,000. At the end of the initial contract term the Commissioners will have an extension option for any number of periods up to a maximum of a further 2 years available which will be awarded at their discretion, giving a maximum possible contract value of £3875,000 exclusive of reclaimable VAT, over 5 years if the full contract term is fulfilled. This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors