
BBO Extension Specialist Supplier Tender


We are seeking a suitably qualified organisation or individual to help support an extremely vulnerable target group i.e. people who have experienced domestic abuse resulting in financial coercion, homelessness, and addiction. We are seeking to engage and accelerate project engagement, support service development and delivery to achieve greater impact for this specific beneficiary group within the Better Off Finance (BOF) Project; which is part of the Building Better Opportunities initiative funded by European Social Fund and the Big Lottery and delivered in the Liverpool City Region. We are seeking suppliers that can draw upon local, national, and international best practice in the field to embed an evidence-based model that reflects and addresses the challenges faced by beneficiaries due to the COVID-19 19 pandemic in accessing, sustaining employment and training opportunities. Therefore, we are seeking to procure a supplier that can offer an evidenced based approach which will ensure good quality support to beneficiaries and include innovative solutions to the challenges presented by Covid 19 in reaching and supporting this beneficiary group in LCR. We are seeking to work with a supplier that can demonstrate a deep understand of the barriers and propose a working model that is holistic, value based and offer sustainable long-term solutions for this target audience. The provider will be able to propose the development of innovative engagement methodologies to ensure that equality of opportunity is achieved within the programme. The successful supplier will be able to conduct robust programme eligibility processes and propose an individual needs assessment process to ensure that beneficiaries are eligible and will also benefit fully from the programme. The successful supplier will detail how they will develop a bespoke set support to improve confidence skills, job search, and financial capability and achieve progress toward employment. The tender response should also highlight how any proposed model approach encompass elements such as basic skills, personalised and bespoke "back to work" programme of education, training and volunteering opportunities. Suppliers should also detail how they could contribute to project research, production and dissemination of policy papers and reports to local and national Government and agencies, Combined Authorities and LEP's. The value of the contract will be up to £70,000 in total. To respond to the tender please complete the Tender Brief and Response document and return by 9am on Monday 29th March 2021 to: By e-mail: Please state in subject line: FAO Laura Anderson BOF Specialist Supplier Tender Response Tender


Published Date :

4th Mar 2021 4 years ago

Deadline :

29th Mar 2021 3 years ago

Contract Start :

10th Apr 2021

Contract End :

30th Sep 2021

Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors