BBO : Reaching Out Across Durham : Programme Evaulation.
The Opportunity Groundwork NE & Cumbria is seeking a partner to undertake a mixed methods programme evaluation of ROAD: Reaching Out Across Durham. Context Building Better Opportunities sees the Big Lottery Fund matching funds from European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020, to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion and drive local jobs and growth. ESIF strategy for the North East LEP area The North East LEP area's European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy for 2014 - 2020 identifies strategic weaknesses for the region to address. Amongst them are: •Employment and inclusion •Skills •Enterprise rates •Digital connectivity The strategy recognises that 'employment is the key route to combating poverty and exclusion' and points out the relatively high levels of unemployment and economic inactivity Groundwork NE & Cumbria is the lead partner for BBO in County Durham. Working with 11 voluntary and community sector delivery partners Reaching Out Across Durham (ROAD) will target 625 of the hardest to reach and provide them with intensive support and advice to help them move towards employment and or training. ROAD will also develop new services that our participant's will be able to access including health, financial and digital inclusion activities as well as supporting them to access existing services The Programme will run until July 2019.
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1 Possible Competitors